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Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup


Supplements 101

In this week's video, Coaches Jamie & Tom discuss the role of supplements as part of a nutrition and training programme, including the benefits of various supplements and when they should be used. 

They provide insight into creatine, as Coach Jamie shares her experience of using this supplement consistently over the past year and some of her key takeaways, as well as debunking some myths around this supplement. 

Their discussion also looks at various supplements marketed to the sports industry such as whey protein, magnesium, omega, vitamin D and pre-workout, as they weigh up the cost vs reward of using these products and identify which type of athletes would benefit most from using them. 

The final touch point of their chat is the trend of CBD oil and supplement use for aiding sleep.

Supplements 101

Recipe of the Week

We love recipes where you can prepare the meal in one pot on the hob or in this case, on a roasting tray in the oven. You'll get a healthy dose of carbs, protein and fat in this recipe meaning you'll stay on course to hit your macros for the day.

If you can't obtain pollock, any white fish such as cod, haddock, plaice, coley, dab, flounder, red mullet, gurnard or tilapia will do. White fish is renowned for being low in fat, making it one of the healthier, low-fat alternatives to red or processed meat, which tends to be higher in fat, especially saturated fat.

Make sure you tag us on Instagarm if you give this one a go!

Don't forget, as a Sleven member, you get 20% off all WHEYD products using the code SLEVEN on their website!





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