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???? SLEVEN pH Nutrition Challenge ????



Our 30 day nutrition challenge is a chance to kick start 2020 or accelerate the progress you have already made in January. Most nutrition challenges simply restrict food and cause more stress! This is not a super low carb or a ridiculous juice is about educating you on how to get your nutrition plan in place to see results but build solid habits.

You can sign up to either fat loss or strength, with both programs resulting in increased energy, better training performance and, most importantly, feeling healthier!

The challenge is based on proven nutrition principles that can be used beyond the 30 days. We will provide a nutrition guide, personalised calories, macros, meal breakdowns, sample meal plans, recipes, and most importantly education over the month. 

If you struggle to lose fat, or if you have hit a plateau in your training or simply want to tighten your nutrition up and feel better, then come join us!

We start on the 1st February but the first 2 days are an introduction and the actual challenge kicks off on the 3rd February.

Price: £75

Want to wait until pay day? Set the start date to the 3rd February and you won't get charged until then.

Don't worry, you'll get full access from the 1st!



How is the challenge run?

A partnership between Sleven CrossFit and pH Nutrition. We have designed a 30 day challenge that you can sign up to regardless of your goal. We will provide a nutrition guide, calories, macros, meal breakdowns, sample meal plans, recipes, and most importantly education over the month. 

This is not a super low carb or a ridiculous juice is about educating you on how to get your nutrition plan in place to see results but build solid habits.

How Do I Sign-Up?

All you have to do is click on the button below!

On the 1st February you will get access to the nutrition guide, macro calculator and challenge resources. You will also get access to Wodify Rise and details of how to track your food on MyFitnessPal. Both Wodify Rise and MyFitnessPal are free.

Calculate your calories and macros. Start to track your food and follow your guide.

Check off the daily and weekly tasks to help build habits and keep you accountable.

Enjoy the 30 days!


What do I actually get?

We deliver a step by step guide through our app with regular content, links and downloads. You receive a nutrition guide, 3 recipe packs and tracking guide, alongside a ton of other resources to help guide you through the challenge. 

We will hold regular Q&A’s to help you crush the challenge.

Should I sign up for fat loss or strength?

This is about identifying what your limiting factor is. If you feel that strength is preventing you from making progress in areas such as gymnastics or barbell movements, then strength is the way forward. It is not a “bulk”...don’t worry. It is more about fuelling your training better.

If you want to lean out, drop excess body fat, without having your energy levels nosedive then fat loss is the program for you!


What foods do I have to remove?

No food is “bad” or “good”. We have provided you with a priority food list. If you focus on building your nutrition plan around these foods, you will make progress and feel healthier. The more you eat from the limit table the harder it will be. We will provide you with a food table which we have categorised into anytime foods, training foods and foods to limit.  

So this is not low carb?

No, this is not low carb. It is more "controlled" carb. We want to eat our carbs at the right times to support our energy and training performance. 

What if I do not want to track my food?

The challenge is about finding a pattern of eating that works for you. You can use the hand portion control guide if you like. You do not have to track, nor do you have to follow the exact meal structure. But if you do, you will make faster progress. It is a challenge, some parts are not meant to be easy!

Can I do it if I am a vegetarian/vegan?

Yes, absolutely! The principles are exactly the same and the macro calculator will provide you with guidance on how to change your macros.

Do I have to follow the meal structure?

Yes and no!

Let us explain:

One of the biggest areas we see with members is lack of structure. This leads to either mindless snacking as you haven't planned when the next meal is, or you haven't eaten enough so you are hungry. Regular patterns of eating are crucial for fat loss and strength gains.

The meal structure is set as a guide, not a rulebook. Over the course of the challenge, we encourage you to personalise it so it fits your lifestyle.

Do I have to weigh myself?

We are going to ask you to use the RENPHO scales at the gym. You will weigh in at the start and the end. However, you can weigh yourself as much as you want throughout! These are the most accurate scales and provide a consistent measurement. 

How do I win?

Liam, Tom, Nick and Tim will collate body composition data alongside before and after pictures to decide on the best transformation for fat loss and strength. We will also have a spirit of the challenge award.


Support Australia Fundraiser

The world has been watching aghast at the terrible bush fires raging in Australia this past month. No more than Coach Loren whose family and friends are directly affected by this terrible tragedy. In an attempt to help, Sleven will be running a charity fundraiser on Sunday 26th January at 11:00, which is also Australia Day.

The class is available for booking on Wodify NOW! The class is available to all members and friends of Sleven so bring your family, partners, friends and animal companions down to the box!

The Support Australia Fundraiser is free to attend (it won't count against your class packs) but we'll be asking all attendees to please donate a minimum £10 to the below Just Giving page in support of the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army in Australia has been on hand providing immediate practical assistance and emotional support to people fleeing their homes from the devastating bushfires as well as supporting firefighters in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, which are the hardest hit states.

If you donated to the bank account we put up last week, we have transferred the donation to the Just Giving account.

Donate Now


The workout incorporates a version of some of the movements performed by firefighters during their training and testing and the number 40 is the highest national average temperature recorded in December.

AMRAP 40 Mins

Teams of 4

One pair works while the other pair rest and you can change at any time. One team member must be wearing a weight vest at all times and you can change at any time.

40 DB box step-ups (partner performs deadlift hold)
40 Burpee over bar (partner performs overhead DB hold) 
40 DB single arm overhead lunges (partner performs a plank hold)
40 DB thrusters (partner performs dead hang on rig)

*Every 8 mins
400m odd object carry as a team with the option of changing between you at any time on the run.

Link to book for non-members!

The launch of MetCon Burn, our brand new fat torching, heart exploding class has been a resounding sucess! The class runs on weedays at 12:00 and lasts 45 minutes, allowing you to pop out and get back to your desk before your boss even notices.

We've also added the below flexible and great value MetCon Membership options:

Single class £10
Three class pack £25
13 class pack (3 free classes!) £100

Do you have a friend or loved one who is interested in CrossFit but has never taken the plunge? MetCon is a fantastic way to get them involved without the more technical aspects of CrossFit to get in the way of their 2020 goals. You can bring a friend along to any MetCon class completely free! All you have to do is email us or sign them up via the below link.

January is here and it's the perfect way to get them back into fitness!


Last year's Yoga for CrossFit Workshop with Liz was a massive success! So much so, we've added a new class to the schedule on the first Sunday of each month.
The first class is Sunday 2nd February at 13:30-14:45.

Liz, herself a CrossFitter,  has deivsed a Yoga Workshop where you will learn the best yoga poses and movements to enhance your range of motion, strength and stability. This class will be ideal for you if you struggle with your mobility or find it difficult getting into certain positions in the gym!

The class is available to all members including Elements. The class is available for booking in Wodify NOW! If you don't see the class on your app, please make sure you select the new program: Yoga for CrossFit.

SLEVEN Calendar

26 January: Support Australia Fundraiser
1-29 February: pH Nutrition Challenge
2 February: Yoga for CrossFit





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