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Yoga for CrossFit Workshop


The good times at Sleven keep on rolling and hot on the tails of our announcement of the SLEVEN STRENGTH SPECIAL, we've got another brilliant workshop for you on Saturday, 7th of December from 14:00-15:00.

Do you struggle with mobility? Does it hold you back from fulfilling your potential? Our Yoga for CrossFit Workshop with Liz Marsland, is designed to help you! Liz is a L2 CrossFit Coach, physiotherapist and qualified yoga instructor. Liz has designed the Workshop specifically for CrossFitters and you will learn the 10 best yoga poses and movements to enhance your range of motion, strength and stability.

Best of all, this Workshop is only £5, of which £2 is going towards breast cancer research. Come on down to the gym, get swole & flexy and do it all for a good cause!

Book Now

Can't make it? Liz is available for personal training at Sleven. Liz is a specilaist in movement and rehabilitation. An athlete herself, she understands the requirements, mentally and physically, of being a successful and injury-free athlete. Liz is available at the following times:
Monday-Friday: 08:30-17:30
Monday & Wednesday: 20:30-21:30
Sunday: 08:30-10:00

Email Liz





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