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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


MetCon Outdoors at SLEVEN

The decision by the Government not to allow gyms and leisure centres to open on 4 July was pretty disappointing. But we're not going to let that get us down! We'll be introducing some outdoor MetCon classes for you from Monday 29 June. These classes will be available only to paying members on monthly memberships. Due to limited capacity, we will not be allowing new members to join at this time.

If your membership is currently on hold, you’ll need to unfreeze it before you’ll be able to book into classes. If you’d like to unfreeze your membership click on the below button!

Unfreeze Me!

If you are unable to attend these classes, don’t worry, we’ll be continuing to provide our daily 24Sleven programming FREE so that you can still workout remotely!

With the advent of the outdoor classes, we’ll be dropping our Zoom classes. Our last Zoom class will be Hero WOD Sunday on 28th June at 11am. 

We will be implementing measure to safeguard the health and safety of members and coaches. These classes will operate on the following basis:

  • Maximum capacity: 5 members 
  • We ask that you observe the 2m social distance guidance
  • Members will not be permitted to enter the gym other than to wash/sanitise their hands on arrival and before leaving, to use the toilets or to buy drinks/bars. In each case, only one member at a time will be allowed inside 
  • We ask that members arrive in their workout gear and bring water with them, to reduce the footfall inside the gym
  • Members will be asked to clean all equipment that they have used and we will provide them with sanitising spray for this purpose
  • Showers will not be available
  • The classes will be run outside, in front of the gym which brings the possibility that the class may be interrupted by traffic
  • Late cancellation and no-show fees apply

These classes will be weather dependent - if we do have to cancel a class because of rain, we’ll post this on the Sleven Fitness Facebook Group. If we cancel a class, no late cancellation fees will apply. If the weather looks dodgy, don’t assume the class will be cancelled!

Final Friday Night Quiz

With the advent of our outdoor MetCon classes and a mid-July *potential* reopening, this Friday marks our final Quiz of lockdown! We will have a special CrossFit round to mark the occasion. Join us at 19:00!





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Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup


Supplements 101

In this week's video, Coaches Jamie & Tom discuss the role of supplements as part of a nutrition and training programme, including the benefits of various supplements and when they should be used. 

They provide insight into creatine, as Coach Jamie shares her experience of using this supplement consistently over the past year and some of her key takeaways, as well as debunking some myths around this supplement. 

Their discussion also looks at various supplements marketed to the sports industry such as whey protein, magnesium, omega, vitamin D and pre-workout, as they weigh up the cost vs reward of using these products and identify which type of athletes would benefit most from using them. 

The final touch point of their chat is the trend of CBD oil and supplement use for aiding sleep.

Supplements 101

Recipe of the Week

We love recipes where you can prepare the meal in one pot on the hob or in this case, on a roasting tray in the oven. You'll get a healthy dose of carbs, protein and fat in this recipe meaning you'll stay on course to hit your macros for the day.

If you can't obtain pollock, any white fish such as cod, haddock, plaice, coley, dab, flounder, red mullet, gurnard or tilapia will do. White fish is renowned for being low in fat, making it one of the healthier, low-fat alternatives to red or processed meat, which tends to be higher in fat, especially saturated fat.

Make sure you tag us on Instagarm if you give this one a go!

Don't forget, as a Sleven member, you get 20% off all WHEYD products using the code SLEVEN on their website!





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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


When will SLEVEN Reopen?

A number of members have been asking this question, especially as some gyms have begun to announce their planned reopening dates. We wish that we had some concrete news for you, with a date for opening our doors again.  We’re hoping that it will be in July but, frustratingly, the Government has given no further indication nor any information on the restrictions, if any, on how we’ll be operating when that happens.

Despite no steer from the Government on a potential date, we have made a plan on how we will reopen with restricted numbers in the gym at any one time, to allow for social distancing and an enhanced cleaning regime so we'll be in good shape when the time comes! As soon as we have a firm date, we’ll announce our reopening plan including the launch of our brand new class.

In the meantime, we’re continuing with measures to ensure that both the gym and our equipment will be in the best possible condition. Next week our barbells will be serviced so that  when you, finally,get your hands back on a barbell, it will feel even sweeter! We also have some surprises in store and we’ll tell you more about these as we move towards reopening.

We’ve been running morning, lunchtime and evening Zoom classes and the lunchtime slot is emerging as the favourite. In light of this, we’ve now moved Wednesday’s class to 12.30pm with Coach Jamie so you can get your exercise fix on your lunch break!

To access the class, we have changed the classes on Wodify to reflect the below schedule and you will be able to book in as you would normally. If your membership is on hold, you will need to sign-up for TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN so that you can access and book in for the sessions. This is free whether you're new to Sleven or a stalwart!

All TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN Zoom classes will be run off the same login information:

Meeting ID: 880 7889 6539
Password: 711711





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Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup


Nutrition Priorities

Coaches Loz & Tom discuss sorting your priorities when it comes to nutrition and making sure you put an emphasis on the important things, so you aren't wasting our precious time and energy on things that aren't going to give you results!

In this video, they discuss the hierarchy of importance when it comes to nutrition. As coaches they see a lot of people focusing on the smaller things, when primarily focusing on energy balance and getting that right will give you the most 'bang for your buck' in regards to nutrition and training.

They then move onto food quality and how to ensure you are able to get quality nutrition no matter your budget.

Thirdly, they discuss how your protein/carb/fat ratios are often unique to each individual and how this can require some trial and error to find the balance that works best for you and your lifestyle.

Finally, they discuss the benefits and sometimes tricky things women have to deal with when it comes to training and nutrition around our hormones and also the difference in the training and nutrition needs of males and females. So grab a coffee, sit down for a listen and hopefully you'll take away something useful!

Nutrition Priorities

Recipe of the Week

This weeks recipe is quickie! Beans have the reputation of being good for your heart and make you fart! This children's rhyme is not wrong and it's due to beans being a great source of fiber. Fiber helps keep you regular and seems to protect against heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and digestive illness.

Make sure you tag us on Instagarm if you give this one a crack.

Anxiety Around Training

Liam has jumped onto the podcast bandwagon, teaming up with Tom Lowe (PT and Instagram legend) and Adam French (owner of WHEY'D) to do the 'World Class Basics' Podcast.

This week the lads get deep and talk about how the current situation may be giving you anxiety due to not being able to train. We give you some advice about how we're dealing with it & it gets emotional.

In other news, find out what Tom is doing to make his head so smooth!

Listen to the Podcast

Don't forget, as a Sleven member, you get 20% off all WHEYD products using the code SLEVEN on their website!





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Welcome to SLEVEN Fitness


Welcome to SLEVEN Fitness

It's been a rollercoaster week to say the least! We announced on Monday that we were to disaffiliate from CrossFit and we remain steadfast in this decision.

Last night, CrossFit HQ announced that Greg Glassman Retired and that Dave Castro is to assume the role of CEO of the company. CrossFit HQ also published a long letter explaining why they didn't just say something. Nick, Tim & Loz have been involved in CrossFit for a minimum of 9 years each and not only was it our passion, but also a livelihood, so it's sad to sever our links in this way.

We are not ones to dwell on the past and the future for us is not CrossFit, it's SLEVEN!

What this Means for You

We will continue to provide Sleven's unique atmosphere and blend of training, community and fun! And, above all, reflecting that we see good fitness as a way of life, available to all.

Sleven is a lifestyle and encompasses your fitness, social life, nutrition and mental health. As such, we will be replacing our CrossFit classes with a new class: TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN. COVID is likely to throw a spanner in the works with regards to class sizes; however, the programming of the classes will be the same as you've had in the past. Our specialty classes and, of course, Friday Night Lights, will be programmed as before.

We will also be adding a brand new SUCCESSORIES focused class to the schedule which we will announce in due course and we couldn't be more excited about it!

Our decision means a number of changes and has given us plenty to work on! Some of these changes will be visible, others less apparent. The most obvious change will be the removal of the CrossFit name from the signs and decals above the door and on the walls of the gym. We’ve involved the brand consultant who did such a fantastic job for us with our original branding to ensure that we get everything right going forward.

The other visible changes will be to our website and social media accounts which will be refreshed with our new name and references to CrossFit removed and our web guys are working on making these changes. There are plenty of other changes to be made in the background. We'll be working hard to get all of this done as quickly as we can so please bear with us as we extricate our brand from this tangled web!

Community Outreach

Our mission is to bring Fitness to the People, to all of the people. Recent events have led us to reflect on how we can do more when it comes to addressing the inequalities that exist amongst minority groups within our community. As a community-based business, we feel that using our resources to give back to the community around our gym is a great place to start. We have reached out to other businesses in the Vauxhall area this week to investigate how we can collaborate with them to implement programs that target different groups of people in the area immediately around our gym.

We have also reached out to a charity that helps disadvantaged youth through sport, by providing sporting programs in schools and coaching mentorship programs for teenagers in Lambeth. We're excited to be making a start on both of these initiatives and we'll be keeping you updated on progress.

Zoom Schedule

Our regularly scheduled Zoom classes have been a resounding success! It's great to see so many of you get involved and we'd love to see more of you.

To access the class, we have changed the classes on Wodify to reflect the above schedule and you will be able to book in as you would normally. If your membership is on hold, you will need to sign-up for TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN so that you can access and book in for the sessions. This is free whether you're new to Sleven or a stalwart!

All TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN Zoom classes will be run off the same login information:

Meeting ID: 880 7889 6539
Password: 711711





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Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup


Nutrition for Running

In this video, Tom discusses nutrition for running. With our running club in full swing, Tom covers the following points:

  • Pre-workout fuel
  • Post workout fuel
  • Hydration
  • Intra-workout nutrition
  • When to run and the effects!

Got a question?

Nutrition for Running

Recipe of the Week

We're putting our Cook Along with Tom on the backburner for the time being but we'll still be delivering some top quality recipes! Salmon has often times been called a super food due to it being one of the best sources of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, a rich source of protein and vitamin B. This is a simple recipe to put together if you're pressed for time or completely out of ideas!

Make sure you tag us on Instagarm if you give this one a crack.

Liam has jumped onto the podcast bandwagon, teaming up with Tom Lowe (PT and Instagram legend) and Adam French (owner of WHEY'D) to do the 'World Class Basics' Podcast.

Ever wondered which is better for the BBQ – meat-free or meat options? Well in this podcast we look to find out! In other news, Liam calls out both Adam and Tom for saying 4g of protein isn’t enough. Find out why Adam and Liam don’t need fashion advice from Tom and why Tom thinks Adam has invested in a certain range of vegetarian food!

Listen to the Podcast

Don't forget, as a Sleven member, you get 20% off all WHEYD products using the code SLEVEN on their website!





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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


New Zoom Classes

Our regularly scheduled TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN classes have been a resounding success! It's great to see so many of you get involved and we'd love to see more of you! Initially, we're starting with one class a day to assess demand and we'll take it from there.

We invite anyone and everyone to start getting involved again whether you've done nothing for two months or you've been as active as QUARANTEAM winner Niall! Each session will start with a warm-up, SUCCESSORIES and the WFH and last an hour.

To access the class, we have changed the classes on Wodify to reflect the above schedule and you will be able to book in as you would normally. If your membership is on hold, you will need to sign-up for TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN so that you can access and book in for the sessions. This is free whether you're new to Sleven or a stalwart!

All TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN Zoom classes will be run off the same login information:

Meeting ID: 880 7889 6539
Password: 711711

The Sleven Running Club kicked off this week! We will have 2 suggested workouts per week to complement your TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN training. Last week you tested your 5km time and this week we're having you test your 400m sprint time. These two times are crucial in setting your pace for the programme.

Each week, Session 1 will be either intervals or tempo runs based off your 400m test, and Session 2 will be a longer run of 5km+. All designed to help you smash your 5km and 400m times, and culminating in a retest commencing 27th July.

Remember, these are only suggestions, and are there to complement your current training and help bring a little bit of structure to your running. So don’t get too caught up in the times, go out and enjoy your running!

Session 1: 400m test.
Session 2: 5km at PB+30%.

This week, Session 1 is a max effort 400m sprint. Don't forget to check-out our Instagram post today for tips on how to approach and warm-up for this!

Session 2 is a nice steady 5km run, 30% slower than last week's test. So, if you clocked a 25 min 5km, that’s 5 min/km pace, and you want to be doing Session 2 at 6:30 pace. Go out and enjoy the sunshine. Do not be tempted to push the pace, get comfortable taking it easy! We’re just trying to get some miles in here.

Don’t forget, we have a Sleven CrossFit Strava club!


Another intake of our six week personalised nutrition starts tomorrow! If you've let things slip a little bit this quarantine then this is a great opportunity to help you get back on track. If you pair this with our TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN coached classes which started this week, we can help keep you accountable in both fitness and nutrition. Use the extra time you find you have as a result of the lockdown to develop good habits that will last well beyond quarantine.

This is your last chance to get involved for another month!

Buy 6 Week Personalised Fat Loss Program
Buy 6 Week Personalised Fat Loss Program

We recognise that many of you will find it difficult to attend our Zoom classes due to time or location constraints and we want to reassure you that our daily Instagram posts with movement demos will not be stopping anytime soon! As you may imagine, we have developed quite a bank of movement videos which we have diligently uploaded to YouTube for your convenience.

Instagram has a limit of 10 pictures/videos we can upload per post so sometimes we can't upload all the movements we'd like. If you do ever find yourself needing to refresh your memory about how a movement is performed, just click on the link below! There is also a link to our YouTube channel in our linktree in bio on Instagram.


Check out the SLEVEN YouTube Channel

This hero workout is dedicated to Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Heidi Stevenson who died on April 19, 2020, while protecting others during a mass shooting that took place in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.

The rep scheme signifies the number of years she served in the force.

Coach Jamie will be hosting a Zoom session at 11:00 on Sunday 7 June with an appropriate warm-up, scaling options and strategies. We'll be posting demo videos on Saturday night too!

Hero WOD Sunday with Coach Jamie
Sunday 7 June at 11:00

You can participate for FREE on Zoom

Meeting ID: 889 5308 1416
Password: 711711





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Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup


Another intake of our six week personalised nutrition program is open! If you've let things slip a little bit this quarantine then this is a great opportunity to help you get back on track. If you pair this with our TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN coached classes which start this week, we can help keep you accountable in both fitness and nutrition. Use the extra time you find you have as a result of the lockdown to develop good habits that will last well beyond quarantine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to track my food?
Yes and no. The reason why we ask people to track their calories and macros in the initial stages is to understand how much they are currently eating. Then we can make small changes to align with the targets we set. Once you understand portion sizes and macronutrient balance, you can stop.

I want to get leaner AND stronger, is this program for me?
Ah the number one question we get! And the answer is….yes, this is for you.

All you need to do is choose lean gains or fat loss gradual as your targets on the template. This will keep your intake at a level to support training and only put you in a very slight deficit at certain times. The meal structure and timings are the key to leaning out and getting stronger. When our clients follow the timings consistently they CRUSH it!

You may have heard that it doesn’t matter about timings etc for losing fat. This is kinda correct as your overall intake is most important. But when trying to fuel training, get lean and get strong, meal timings become very important.

I (delete as appropriate) am on holiday, have a work trip, go out at weekends, Should I still sign-up?
This is possibly the only time in our lives that we will have a clear run of doing nothing but training, sleeping and prepping food. Not only this, we will give you the tools and information to manage going back to normal life, nights out, holidays, weekends away etc.

Our step-by-step six week program is designed for those who perform any kind of functional fitness. It is delivered through our app and we drip feed the program so you are not overwhelmed at any point.

That’s a real issue with a lot of online plans, they are just one big information dump and you end up reading about things that you are nowhere near ready to take on board.

Making manageable, small changes will allow you to build momentum and not get crushed by a tsunami of stress and confusion. We have a structured plan to follow for the six weeks and clear advice on how to progress beyond this!

Buy 6 Week Personalised Fat Loss Program

Buy 6 Week Personalised Strength Program

Recipe of the Week

We're putting our Cook Along with Tom on the backburner for the time being but we'll still be delivering some top quality recipes! This week we have some super simple, delicious and nutritious peanut butter protein bars for you. These will last you all week and provide a healthy dose of protein, carbs and fat. If you struggle with snacks in the afternoon, why don't you give these a bash?

Liam has jumped onto the podcast bandwagon, teaming up with Tom Lowe (PT and Instagram legend) and Adam French (owner of WHEY'D) to do the 'World Class Basics' Podcast.

It is a light-hearted podcast covering topics such as fitness, nutrition, supplements and business, to help enhance your performance and everyday life. 'World Class Basics' means doing things that are actually going to make a difference. We cut through the nonsense, providing you with simple take home points to improve your health, fitness and nutrition. Put together by Tom, Adam and Liam who have experience working with Professional Sports Teams & Players, 1-to-1 'everyday' clients and we all run our own businesses so our stories are worth listening to!

This week Liam and the team uncover how accurate fitness trackers are at tracking calories and review the main benefits and drawbacks of using them. It's surprising the results you can achieve! ⁣

In other news, Liam gives a story about "The Red Room" at Fulham FC, we find out what bet Tom and Liam have, why Adam can't track his favourite activity anc we set a challenge for our listeners.⁣

Listen to the Podcast

Don't forget, as a Sleven member, you get 20% off all WHEYD products using the code SLEVEN on their website!





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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


QUARANTEAM: The Results!

QUARANTEAM is a wrap! When we began the challenge eight weeks ago, on 1 April, we really had no idea how long it would continue, although we didn't anticipate that we'd be QUARANTEAMING for 56 days!

We launched the challenge in the belief that the best chance for us all to remain happy, fit and healthy through an extended and indeterminate period of confinement would be by helping and supporting each other and getting through it together. It's been fantastic to see so many of you getting involved on a daily basis and using activities such as our Zoom classes, Friday Night Lights Quiz and Smoothie Saturday/Cook Along With Tom to remain engaged and keep in touch with us and with each other. We hope that participating in the challenge has helped you during this unprecedented interruption of our daily lives and we'd like to thank each of you for getting involved and making it such a rewarding challenge.

It was never in doubt, Niall Sheehy is our QUARANTEAM champ! Niall has undoubtedly been our most active member during this period taking part in literally everything from Friday Night Quizzes, Zoom classes, Smoothie Saturdays, Hero WODs and all our daily and weekly nutrition, social and fitness challenges.

Niall has won the following fantastic prizes:

  • Free month's membership
  • Whey’d prize package
  • 5 days delivered Fresh Fitness Food
  • Sleven Snapback and T-shirt
  • Case of Nocco & box of Barebells bars

Andy Ward deserves a special mention and kept his place in second throughout the course of the challenge. A chef at Harrods, Andy wowed us with his beautiful renditions of our recipes but was also incredibly adherent to our weekly challenges. 

Niall in his own Words

We’re all individual in our approach to both keeping fit and, even more so, dealing with this lockdown. For me, the QUARANTEAM challenge was a God-send.

Having daily tasks to focus on and accomplish was such a great motivator. The WFH/Successory WODs were, and continue to be, brilliant for not letting boredom or routine set in. Not only that, having cookery tasks as well as reading/learning/self-improvement challenges on top of all of that, kept a real variety to the days.

What really made the QUARANTEAM initiative a success, however, was the sense of community and camaraderie, which in my short time as a Sleven member has really shone through in every way. The Zoom classes have been so much fun while also kicking my ass. I’ve been spurred on by the coaches and members to improve my skill set, and also had loads of laughs, especially during the weekly quiz nights. I’ve been isolating alone for this entire period, and it genuinely hasn’t felt like that, thanks to the QUARANTEAM challenge and my new Sleven friends.

I mean, it also doesn’t hurt that there was a points system attached, and I’m a deeply, DEEPLY competitive person...because if you offer me 5 points to wash your car, I’ll check your oil, pump your tyres and have it glistening like back in the showroom in no time!!

Regardless of winning or losing, I’ve had so much fun pushing myself over the past few weeks and I’m genuinely sad that it’s over...although I’m nearly out of clean t-shirts, so it has turned out to be perfect timing!!

Thanks to Nick, Tim, Loz, Jamie & Emma for a brilliant programme, and to everyone else for making it such a fun experience.

Here’s wishing an end to this lockdown as soon as possible, and re-connecting with one another back at Sleven!

New Zoom Classes

We are still hoping for a July re-opening according the government guidance which means we are going to start ramping things up in June! While most gyms started with Zoom classes from the get-go, at Sleven, we wanted to provide a programme that was accessible to anyone and everyone regardless of your lockdown situation and preferred work-out time. TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN has been a massive success providing you with a comprehensive mobility, strength and conditioning programme at your convenience.

We expect many of you to start returning to work in June as life edges back to normality.  We will be complementing this with FREE daily coached TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN classes on Zoom starting next week on 1 June. We invite anyone and everyone to start getting involved again whether you've done nothing for two months or you've been as active as QUARANTEAM winner Niall! Each session will start with a warm-up, SUCCESSORIES and the WFH and last around an hour. Initially, we're starting with one class a day to assess demand and we'll take it from there.

To access the class, we have changed the classes on Wodify to reflect the above schedule and you will be able to book in as you would normally. If your membership is on hold, you will need to sign-up for TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN so that you can access and book in for the sessions.

All TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN Zoom classes will be run off the same Meeting ID and Password and START ON MONDAY JUNE 1st.

We recognise that many of you will find it difficult to attend our Zoom classes due to time or location constraints and we want to reassure you that our daily Instagram posts with movement demos will not be stopping anytime soon! As you may imagine, we have developed quite a bank of movement videos which we have diligently uploaded to YouTube for your convenience.

Instagram has a limit of 10 pictures/videos we can upload per post so sometimes we can't upload all the movements we'd like. If you do ever find yourself needing to refresh your memory about how a movement is performed, just click on the link below! There is also a link to our YouTube channel in our linktree in bio on Instagram.


Check out the SLEVEN YouTube Channel


Some more good news!! We’ve got another little something to help you out with your Lockdown training. We’ve noticed a few of you have taken up running to supplement your TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN training. Now, there’s nothing more miserable than running alone, no matter how lovely the weather is, so in order to keep you motivated and to give purpose to your running sessions, we have established the Sleven Strava running group. In this group you will be able to see your fellow Sleveners' running efforts and even give them a virtual hi-5. You’ll also be able to see their running routes if you are in need of some inspiration or a change of scenery. All you need to do is download the Strava app and search for Sleven CrossFit in the Clubs tab.

In addition to this, Coach Chris will be posting 2 suggested running workouts each week on our Facebook page to help you out. These will be aimed at helping you to improve your 5km time. We’ll be kicking things off this Friday with a test of your 5km time in TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN. The workouts will be based off the pace you set during this run. If it sounds complicated - don’t worry, we’ll break it all down for you to help you through!


Just a reminder that partner WOD Saturday is now EARLIER at 10:00. This gives you the opportunity to get your WOD in before the Cook Along with Tom. Also, there is no need to partner up with someone beforehand, we will do that for you!

We're going Asian this week with a simple, yet delicious stir-fry! Jamie's Quick Steak Stir Fry is high in protein and low in carbs so if you're following up your training session with this meal we recommend you add a carb source such as rice or noodles. If you're not into red meat, you can always sub it out with chicken or if you're a veggie, tofu!

Directions: Serves Two

  1. Peel and finely slice the garlic and ginger.
  2. Place into a cold frying pan with 1 tbsp of olive oil at a medium heat.
  3. Once crisp and lightly golden, scoop out and place to the side.
  4. Trim the asparagus spears and add to the hot pan (with the nice garlicky oil!).
  5. Season the steaks with salt and pepper and add with the asparagus.
  6. Turn the heat up to high and cook for around 3 minutes, turning everything regularly.
  7. Toss in the black bean sauce and cook for a further 1 minute. This will give you medium rare steaks.
  8. Slice up the steaks, dish up and scatter over the crispy garlic and ginger!

Cook Along with Tom on Saturday

11:00 30th May on Zoom

Meeting ID: 150 324 316
Password: 711711

Dedicated to Officer Lesley Zerebny, 27 years old, who was fatally shot while responding to a family disturbance call on Saturday, October 8, 2016. She had been with the Palm Springs (California, USA) Police Department for 18 months.

Zerebny is survived by her husband, a Riverside County (CA) Sheriff's deputy, and her 4-month-old baby daughter.

Coach Jamie will be hosting a Zoom session at 11:00 on Sunday 31 May with an appropriate warm-up, scaling options and strategies. We'll be posting demo videos on Saturday night too!

Hero WOD Sunday with Coach Jamie
Sunday 31 May at 11:00

You can participate for FREE on Zoom

Meeting ID: 889 5308 1416
Password: 711711





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Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup


Just a reminder that partner WOD Saturday is now EARLIER at 10:00. This gives you the opportunity to get your WOD in before the Cook Along with Tom. Also, there is no need to partner up with someone beforehand, we will do that for you!

We're going Asian this week with a simple, yet delicious stir-fry! Jamie's Quick Steak Stir Fry is high in protein and low in carbs so if you're following up your training session with this meal we recommend you add a carb source such as rice or noodles. If you're not into red meat, you can always sub it out with chicken or if you're a veggie, tofu!

Directions: Serves Two

  1. Peel and finely slice the garlic and ginger.
  2. Place into a cold frying pan with 1 tbsp of olive oil at a medium heat.
  3. Once crisp and lightly golden, scoop out and place to the side.
  4. Trim the asparagus spears and add to the hot pan (with the nice garlicky oil!).
  5. Season the steaks with salt and pepper and add with the asparagus.
  6. Turn the heat up to high and cook for around 3 minutes, turning everything regularly.
  7. Toss in the black bean sauce and cook for a further 1 minute. This will give you medium rare steaks.
  8. Slice up the steaks, dish up and scatter over the crispy garlic and ginger!

Cook Along with Tom at 11:00 30 May on Zoom

Meeting ID: 150 324 316
Password: 711711

5 Foods to Eat Everyday: Part II

Building a healthy, balanced diet regardless of your goals doesn’t need to be complicated. Here are some simple pointers to get you started!

Calcium Rich Foods

Our bodies can't produce calcium, which is essential to our health. Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones and your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly. Some studies suggest that calcium, along with vitamin D, may have benefits beyond bone health: perhaps protecting against cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Milk, dairy products, salmon, sardines, leafy green veg and fortified nut drinks and cereals all contain dairy.

A Source of Vitamin B12

Another vitamin your body can't produce on its own is vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia that makes people tired and weak.

Vitamin B12 is found naturally in a wide variety of animal foods and is added to some fortified foods. Plant foods have no vitamin B12 unless they are fortified. You can get recommended amounts of vitamin B12 by eating a variety of foods including the following:

  • Beef liver and clams, which are the best sources of vitamin B12.
  • Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and other dairy products, which also contain vitamin B12.
  • Some breakfast cereals, nutritional yeasts and other food products that are fortified with vitamin B12. To find out if vitamin B12 has been added to a food product, check the product labels.

If you're a vegan, vegetarian, pregnant or breastfeeding you might be at risk of deficiency so you may want to track your diet closely!

A Source of Iodine

Iodine helps make thyroid hormones, which help keep cells and the metabolic rate (the speed at which chemical reactions take place in the body) healthy.

Good food sources of iodine include:

  • Sea fish
  • Shellfish
  • Sea weed
  • Iodized salt
  • Dairy Products

Iodine can also be found in plant foods, such as cereals and grains, but the levels vary depending on the amount of iodine in the soil where the plants are grown.

Smart Carb Sources

It is a myth that carbs are unhealthy and some of the world's healthiest foods are carb sources. To fuel your CrossFit WODs, you require carbohydrates! As long as you follow the below priorities, in descending order of importance, you will be OK:

  • Calorie Balance​​: How many calories you eat per day relative to how many you burn.
  • Macronutrient Amounts​​: How many grams of protein, carbohydrate, and fat you eat per day.
  • Nutrient Timing: ​​When and how you spread your total food intake across daily meals
  • Food Composition​​: The sources of macronutrients you consume.
  • Supplement Use and Hydration​​: How much and what type (if any) dietary supplements you consume and your level of hydration.

If you adhere to the priorities above, by definition, carbohydrates CANNOT be the enemy.

Iron Rich Food

The last item on our list is iron, another mineral that is vitally important and must be consumed regularly as it can't be produced on its own.

Good sources of iron include:

  • Meat
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Dried fruit – such as dried apricots
  • Wholegrains – such as brown rice
  • Fortified breakfast cereals
  • Soy bean flour
  • Most dark-green leafy vegetables – such as watercress and curly kale

Remember that if you don't eat meat or fish, you can boost absorption by including a source of vitamin C when eating plant sources of iron. 

Liam has jumped onto the podcast bandwagon, teaming up with Tom Lowe (PT and Instagram legend) and Adam French (owner of WHEY'D) to do the 'World Class Basics' Podcast.

It is a light-hearted podcast covering topics such as fitness, nutrition, supplements and business, to help enhance your performance and everyday life. 'World Class Basics' means doing things that are actually going to make a difference. We cut through the nonsense, providing you with simple take home points to improve your health, fitness and nutrition. Put together by Tom, Adam and Liam who have experience working with Professional Sports Teams & Players, 1-to-1 'everyday' clients and we all run our own businesses so our stories are worth listening to!

Each episode is around the 30 minute mark and hopefully something that is going to help you make some better choices with your training and nutrition!

Episode 1 -The Truth About Diet & Women's Protein Powder
Episode 2 - Steroid Use in Amateur & Professional Sport
Episode 3 - Supplements To Impro