Smoothie Saturday is now Cook Along with Tom! We will be pulling recipes from a book we love, Jamie Oliver's 5 Ingredients which makes shopping and meal prepping simple while also giving you inspiration to cook some delicious recipes.
This week we've chosen a brunch favourite: smoky mushroom frittata! If you're following a low carb diet or looking to up your protein intake, this simple recipe is for you! To help you fit your macros, you can easily serve with toast or crusty bread to up the carb content. If you need to cut down the fat in the recipe, you can make some easy substitions: turkey bacon, egg whites and light cheese.
Directions: Serves Four
Preheat the oven to 200 C.
Slice the bacon and fry in a 26cm non-stick ovenproof frying pan on medium heat for a couple of minutes.
Add the mushroom, tearing up any larger ones until golden brown.
Season with salt and pepper.
Lightly beat the eggs, then pour into the pan and bomb over nuggets of cheese.
Transfer to the oven for 10 minutes.
Once set, loosen the edges with a spatula, transfer to a board, dress it with some rocket and serve!
Building a healthy, balanced diet regardless of your goals doesn’t need to be complicated. Here are some simple pointers to get you started!
A Source of Vitamin D
If you're sitting inside all day during quarantine you could be lacking in vitamin D which is produced in your skin in response to sunlight. If you're self-isolating, eating foods rich in vitamin D is become essential. You can find vitamin D in salmon, tuna, eggs yolks, mushrooms and fortified cereals. If you struggle with vitamin D intake, you can also supplement it.
A Source of Omega 3s
Omega 3s are incredibly important to your natural function including heart health, reduction of inflammation, skin health and mental health. Our modern diet has replaced omega 3s with omega 6s and this distorted ratio has been shown to be the cause of numerous diseases. Fish-oil supplementation improves the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and reduces the inflammatory responses in the body which is brilliant for recovery from CrossFit workouts and is the reason why CrossFIt HQ has a blanket recommendation to supplement this fatty acid.
Omega 3s can't be found natrually in the body so we need to source it from food and supplementation. Aim to eat 1-2 servings of oily fish a week (salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines) or from chia sees, flax seeds and walnuts.
A Source of Selenium
Selenium is an essential mineral and antioxidant that is needed daily for a healthy immune system and it helps to prevent damage to our nerves and cells. Brazil nuts are one of the best sources of selenium but you can also find it in seafood, meat and grains. Many grains are fortified with selenium so look out for that!
Fruits & Vegetables
The government recommends you eat 5 a day for a reason! They are packed with essential nutrients we need for health, performance and well-being. Try to aim for 3 colours at every meal to vary your nutrient intake and to keep meals interesting. Vegetables are also dense in nutrients and low in calories so if you need to bulk up a meal, veggies are your best bet.
Protein Dense Food
Protein is an essential macronutrient, responsible for many functions in your body including tissue, cells and muscle, as well as making hormones and antibodies. Be sure to aim for a lean palm sized serving at every meal. In the many nutrition challenges we have run, we've found most people under-eat protein despite it being responsible for all your gains!