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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


Newsletter 26 February 2020

SLEVEN Snapbacks!

After running a Facebook poll for a week, the people have spoken! We're excited to introduce our brand new, limited edition Sleven Snapback. The SLEVEN logo will be embroidered in white on a one size fits all black snapback cap.

With spring and summer fast approaching, don't miss the opportunity to represent your box around London and the World!

Caps cost £25 and all you have to do is email us by clicking the button below. Deadline is Friday 6 March!

Buy Now

Competition Nutrition

There is a little less than a week left in our nutrition challenge and we are only getting started! Next week we will be announcing the winners and also details of our new exclusive Sleven pH Nutrition packages that will run year long. You can expect lots of regular content and information so all your hard work in the gym doesn't go to waste in the kitchen!

We're already receiving some fantastic feedback from Sleveners taking part and we're happy to get so many of you tracking your food, changing habits and educating you for life.

Competition season is nearly upon us and with the Yard Games, Summer Social, Battle for Middle Ground and Rainhill on the horizon, nutrition should be at the forefront of your minds. Liam and Tom have created a fantastic PDF full of information to ensure you're fuelled and performing at your best!

Our Guide Will Cover:

The week leading into the competition
Pre and post event nutrition
What to do in between events
Recipes, meal prep, supplementation


Download my free PDF

Victory Grips Order

Since we introduced Victory Grips to the Sleven Shop, our members have been ripping significantly less and as a result, their training has benefitted markedly. The success of the Victory Grips has meant that we are now running low on stock and we will be making a new order on Monday 2 March.

We will be ordering the standard three finger Stealth grips in varying sizes for both men and women. However, Victory Grips have a myriad of options and if you would like a pair of grips in a different style, please check out their website on the button below and email us with the style, size, colour and any other feature we may need for ordering these on your behalf. If you are unsure about sizing, we are on hand in the shop all week to measure and advise you on the best grips for you.

Grips cost £50 and the new Tactical grips cost £55 and we will invoice you via Wodify or ring you up on Shopify. All shipping costs, taxes and fees will be taken care of, phew!

Browse Victory Grips

Support Poppy's Half Marathon

Our MetCon Queen, Poppy Harrison is running her first half-marathon in Bath on 15 March in support of Dorothy House Foundation! This amazing charity provides palliative and end of life care to those living with life-limiting illness. The Dorothy House Foundation is close to Poppy's heart having impacted so many people's lives in Bath and she knows two very special people who work for the Charity.

Poppy is now over half way to her target of £300 and would appreciate any donation, big or small!

Donate to the Dorothy House Foundation

In November, over 20 Sleveners made their way to Peckham to compete at the Yard Games and had a brilliant time. If you missed out, you're in luck! The Yard is hosting its second one day, same-sex pairs competion. Coach Loz has already recruited over 6 teams and we're hoping for more sign-ups in what is looking like another great day out for Sleven.

The competition is super local which means NO TRAVELLING and it is likely to be a relatively small comp, so if you haven’t competed before, this would be a great opportunity to get a taste of what it’s like on the competition floor.

Given that it’s so close, we’ll no doubt have a good number of Sleven supporters there to cheer you on. So, grab a partner and register using the link below!

If you're interested but don't have a partner, don't worry! Email Coach Loz or grab one of us and let us know you’re interested and we’ll do our best to find you an ace partner.

Book Yard Games

CrossFit Holidays!?

Are you worried about losing your gains on holiday? Don't want to just lounge by a pool reading books and drinking Margaritas? Coach Liz has a solution for you.

Adventure Fit has locations on three different continents including Croatia, Cape Town and Revelstoke in Canada! In addition to participating in amazing activities such as paddle boarding, surfing, hiking at sunset, yoga and wine tasting, you'll have the opportunity to CrossFit daily with your mates! 

You can find all the information below. We'll start a conversation on the Facebook group and get Liz involved so she can answer any of your questions and group the people that are interested together.

Adventure Fit

SLEVEN Calendar

3-29 February: pH Nutrition Challenge
1 March: Yoga for CrossFit
21 March: Yard Games Peckham
30 May: Summer Social at the Richmond Athletic Association





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