Many of you are finding you have a lot more time in the day and there is no better time to get a handle on your nutrition. Gone are the days of picking up whatever you can from Pret and just eating the first thing you can put your hands on. With a little extra time in the day, why not spend it meal prepping? You not only have more time to cook but to plan ahead and go shopping.
With that in mind, we're providing this fantastic recipe pack chock full of ideas. Take the time to choose a couple of your favourites, get the ingredients in and batch cook some food!
We love pH Nutrition's Calorie Calculator which determines your daily calorie and macro intake. Once you know this, you have the tools to begin your nutrition journey to achieve your body composition and performance goals. It only takes a couple of days tracking your regular diet to start to see if you're eating a diet that will help you achieve those goals. You might be eating "healthy" but your high carb intake might be sabotaging your weight loss goal or, commonly, your lack of protein might be stopping your gainz train!
If your head is swimming with recipes, macros and calculators, then our six week personalised nutrition program is designed for you! Our step-by-step program is drip fed so you are not overwhelmed at any point. Making manageable, small changes will allow you to build momentum and not get crushed by a tsunami of stress and confusion. We have a structured plan to follow for the six weeks and clear advice on how to progress beyond this.
With holidays and social distractions out the window for the foreseeable future, now is the time to get a head start on your diet. The habits and information you learn now will last well beyond quarantine!
Smoothie Saturday is quickly becoming part of many Sleveners' weekly routine! Not only do you get to try out a new recipe but chat with nutritionist Tom on the hot topics of the week. Come with questions or just have a listen and we bet you'll leave the chat feeling a bit more connected to your fellow Sleveners and hopefully having learned something too.
This week's recipe is Cherry Bakewell! Cherries are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which may help relieve exercise-induced muscle pain, damage, and inflammation. Coupled with almonds, which contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, magnesium and vitamin E, this is not only a classic flavour combination but a nutritional powerhouse!
Smoothie Saturday with Tom at 11:00 3rd May on Zoom