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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


When will SLEVEN Reopen?

A number of members have been asking this question, especially as some gyms have begun to announce their planned reopening dates. We wish that we had some concrete news for you, with a date for opening our doors again.  We’re hoping that it will be in July but, frustratingly, the Government has given no further indication nor any information on the restrictions, if any, on how we’ll be operating when that happens.

Despite no steer from the Government on a potential date, we have made a plan on how we will reopen with restricted numbers in the gym at any one time, to allow for social distancing and an enhanced cleaning regime so we'll be in good shape when the time comes! As soon as we have a firm date, we’ll announce our reopening plan including the launch of our brand new class.

In the meantime, we’re continuing with measures to ensure that both the gym and our equipment will be in the best possible condition. Next week our barbells will be serviced so that  when you, finally,get your hands back on a barbell, it will feel even sweeter! We also have some surprises in store and we’ll tell you more about these as we move towards reopening.

We’ve been running morning, lunchtime and evening Zoom classes and the lunchtime slot is emerging as the favourite. In light of this, we’ve now moved Wednesday’s class to 12.30pm with Coach Jamie so you can get your exercise fix on your lunch break!

To access the class, we have changed the classes on Wodify to reflect the below schedule and you will be able to book in as you would normally. If your membership is on hold, you will need to sign-up for TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN so that you can access and book in for the sessions. This is free whether you're new to Sleven or a stalwart!

All TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN Zoom classes will be run off the same login information:

Meeting ID: 880 7889 6539
Password: 711711





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