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SLEVEN Newsletter 5 February 2020


January has come and gone and for many of you, those New Year's resolutions might already be in the distant past! Goals should be made to keep and our workshop will help you set achievable goals in the short, medium and long term.

On Saturday 15th of February after Strength, our lovely member Sophie Fielding is holding a goal setting workshop sponsored by Lululemon. We will provide the materials so all you need to bring is an open mind and some goals to share!

The Workshop is free for members and non-members alike but please book in via Wodify so we get an idea of numbers. You will be splitting off into little groups, sharing ideas, goals and ways to actually achieve those goals!

Saturday 15th February 13:00-14:30

Valentine's Day FNL

Oh, Valentine's Day: the holiday that reminds you that if you don't have a special someone, you're alone. Luckily for you, that needn't be the case.

If you're feeling lonely on Friday 14th, come on down to Sleven where you'll get given a partner! We won't let you in on the WODs just yet but we're happy to announce the following theme:

Love at First Sight
The Break Up
The Make Up

If you already have a partner, bring them along! No FNL would be complete without a visit to Nando's so we've even got you covered for the romantic dinner.

Support Oz Fundraiser Recap

The Sleven Support Australia Fundraiser was a resounding success and we're incredibly grateful for our member's support. At the time of writing, we have raised a whopping £890!! This money is going to go directly to families and servicemen directly impacted by the terrible wildfires and help those most vulnerable rebuild their lives.

The WOD included odd object carries and our crazy members took it to the next level carrying each other, stools and even benches! If you'd still like to donate, it's not too late and you can do so below.

Make my last minute donation!

SLEVEN Calendar

3-29 February: pH Nutrition Challenge
14 February: Valentine's Day FNL
15 February: Lululemon Goal Setting Workshop
1 March: Yoga for CrossFit
21 March: Yard Games Peckham
30 May: Summer Social at the Richmond Athletic Association





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