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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


Newsletter 11 March 2020

Last Day to Sign-Up!

Our 6 week programs have a new intake TOMORROW! Secure your spot for the 12th March intake. The reason we start on a Thursday is simply to onboard you over 3 days and not overwhelm you. This makes it easier to plan and get set up over the weekend.

Buy Now

Our six week programs will provide you with the following:

Personal Nutrition Coach - Tom is not just someone you check in with and get generic praise from. He will help you navigate obstacles that would have previously caused you to give up in frustration and constantly empower you with the kind of knowledge that puts you in the driver’s seat of your diet. Tom is at the box a few days a week to help keep you accountable and answer any questions or concerns you have face-to-face.

Accountability - This is one of the key areas in making progress with your nutrition. We use a mixture of our app, email and your check-ins with Tom at Sleven a few days a week to ensure you stay on track.

Personalised calories and macros - We provide the framework and you personalise the details to make your diet fit perfectly into your lifestyle. You can customise everything from your calories to your meal timings. We have recently added automatic recipe calculations as well so no more trying to figure out how much you should be eating to hit your targets

Simplified nutrition guide -  Our easy to follow nutrition guide will ensure you start your program on the right foot and answer any initial questions you have to ensure you experience zero uncertainty at the start of your journey.

3 Recipe & Meal Plan Packs - For the times you struggle with inspiration or feel like the pressure of decision making is too much you can refer to these packs that come complete with MyFitnessPal barcodes (no more entering a million ingredients in!)

pH Nutrition App Access - It’s nice to have some data to track your progress alongside how you are feeling and performing. Our app provides you with a one-stop-shop of progress checking so you can make sure you are on the road to progress.

Our step-by-step six week program is designed for those who perform any kind of functional fitness. It is delivered through our app and we drip feed the program so you are not overwhelmed at any point!

That’s a real issue with a lot of online plans, they are just one big information dump and you end up reading about things that you are nowhere near ready to take on board.

Making manageable, small changes will allow you to build momentum and not get crushed by a tsunami of stress, overwhelm, and confusion. We have a structured plan to follow for the six weeks and clear advice on how to progress beyond this!

Buy Now

Competition Round-Up

Last weekend, Sleven had a fantastic time on the competition floor with seven athletes competing at The Rainhill Trials and The London Throwdown. Not only did we have athletes compete but we had two podium finishes!

Agnieszka Badura, our superstar lunchtime regular, topped the Kennedy Division with 3 out of 6 WOD wins, including a win in the final which she only needed to show up to. Agnieszka went all Mat Fraser on her competition, beating them convincingly just because she could! This was Aga's first individual competition and has given her a boost of confidence before the Yard Games on March 21st.

Our other two competitors were Lucy Long and Adam Weber, who both competed in the top division, Rocket. Adam placed well above his seeding of 69, managed to book a spot in the final and finished in 12th which was a sensational result. Lucy was equally happy with her result, finishing above her seeding of 80th and despite not having done double-unders for several months due to shin splints, survived the competition injury free and hungry for more.

If you're keen to get involved in the next Rainhill Trials in Manchester, the ballot is now open! Rainhill is an accessible competition with three divisions and is run on July 24th-26th. The ballot will close on TUESDAY 31ST MARCH with all entrants being contacted the following week to let them know how to claim their spot if successful!

Coaches Loz & Jamie, Chris and Sam, made their way East for the London Throwdown on Saturday and came within a second of tying for first place, finishing on the podium in 3rd! The guys and gals put in a brilliant shift. Highlights included Chris PBing his clean & jerk with 135 kg and as a team, placed second in that WOD. Their lowest placing was fourth so they were very much in the running for a podium from the get-go. The team performed phenomenally in the final WOD with everyone in the competition impressed with Jamie's devil's press technique, something she has perfected over the years at Sleven!

That's not it for our superstars, they're off to Leicester to compete at Battle for Middle Ground this weekend in the March Madness Elite Same Sex Pairs. We'll post as many updates as we can on our instagram and also post a link to the leaderboard on our instagram linktree.


In response to the growing threat from Coronavirus, we've increased our cleaning, especially in the toilets and kitchen area, to try and reduce the likelihood of transmission of the virus. We have also removed the hand towel from the bathroom - please use either the hand dryer or paper towels provided.

We would ask our members to take the following action in order to try and mitigate the risks for all of us:

  • Wash your hands upon arrival and after your session.
  • Wipe down equipment after use with disinfectant wipes.
  • If you use paper towels or tissue to blow your nose, please put them in the bin - do not leave them on the gym floor. 
  • Do not wash your face in the kitchen sink.
  • Use your own drinks bottle - do not use a Sleven mug or one of our shakers.

Please check the government's response website for additional resources, FAQs and guidance.

SLEVEN Super Saturday

The community aspect of CrossFit plays a massive part in what we do and on Saturday 21st of March we have two great events planned that showcase this.

First off, we have The Yard Games in Peckham where we have over 8 teams and counting competing. This is a local, grassroots competition designed for the average Joe CrossFitter. We had a fanstastic time at this competition in November with some of our members having their first taste of competition. Many are now competing again for the second time!

Given that it’s so close, and just like in November, we'd love as many Sleven supporters there as possible to cheer on our athletes. If you're interested in competing but don't have a partner, don't worry! Email Coach Loz or grab one of us and let us know you’re interested and we’ll do our best to find you an ace partner.

Book Yard Games

What's all this about Norwegians?! Well, do we have a treat in store for you! We have arranged with Grenland CrossFit, in Skien, Norway to host a friendly MetCon on the same day! Grenland are bringing 20 of their members and we'll be welcoming them Sleven style with a 40 person capacity MetCon class.

Our teams of four will be split so that we have two Grenlanders and two Sleveners working shoulder to shoulder. Afterwards, many of us will be going to support the crew at The Yard while the Norwegians will be going to the pub for some typical English fare.

Please note, as a result of all these events, we have cancelled all other classes on Saturday 21st. There is a limit of 20 spots for Sleven members so book yourself in on Wodify!

SLEVEN Calendar

12 March: New pH Nutrition Personalised Coaching Intake
14-15 March: BFMG March Mayhem
21 March: SLEVEN Super Saturday
30 May: Summer Social at the Richmond Athletic Association





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