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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


New Zoom Classes

Our regularly scheduled TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN classes have been a resounding success! It’s great to see so many of you get involved and we’d love to see more of you! Initially, we’re starting with one class a day to assess demand and we’ll take it from there.

We invite anyone and everyone to start getting involved again whether you’ve done nothing for two months or you’ve been as active as QUARANTEAM winner Niall! Each session will start with a warm-up, SUCCESSORIES and the WFH and last an hour.

To access the class, we have changed the classes on Wodify to reflect the above schedule and you will be able to book in as you would normally. If your membership is on hold, you will need to sign-up for TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN so that you can access and book in for the sessions. This is free whether you’re new to Sleven or a stalwart!

All TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN Zoom classes will be run off the same login information:

Meeting ID: 880 7889 6539
Password: 711711

The Sleven Running Club kicked off this week! We will have 2 suggested workouts per week to complement your TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN training. Last week you tested your 5km time and this week we’re having you test your 400m sprint time. These two times are crucial in setting your pace for the programme.

Each week, Session 1 will be either intervals or tempo runs based off your 400m test, and Session 2 will be a longer run of 5km+. All designed to help you smash your 5km and 400m times, and culminating in a retest commencing 27th July.

Remember, these are only suggestions, and are there to complement your current training and help bring a little bit of structure to your running. So don’t get too caught up in the times, go out and enjoy your running!

Session 1: 400m test.
Session 2: 5km at PB+30%.

This week, Session 1 is a max effort 400m sprint. Don’t forget to check-out our Instagram post today for tips on how to approach and warm-up for this!

Session 2 is a nice steady 5km run, 30% slower than last week’s test. So, if you clocked a 25 min 5km, that’s 5 min/km pace, and you want to be doing Session 2 at 6:30 pace. Go out and enjoy the sunshine. Do not be tempted to push the pace, get comfortable taking it easy! We’re just trying to get some miles in here.

Don’t forget, we have a Sleven CrossFit Strava club!


Another intake of our six week personalised nutrition starts tomorrow! If you’ve let things slip a little bit this quarantine then this is a great opportunity to help you get back on track. If you pair this with our TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN coached classes which started this week, we can help keep you accountable in both fitness and nutrition. Use the extra time you find you have as a result of the lockdown to develop good habits that will last well beyond quarantine.

This is your last chance to get involved for another month!

Buy 6 Week Personalised Fat Loss Program
Buy 6 Week Personalised Fat Loss Program

We recognise that many of you will find it difficult to attend our Zoom classes due to time or location constraints and we want to reassure you that our daily Instagram posts with movement demos will not be stopping anytime soon! As you may imagine, we have developed quite a bank of movement videos which we have diligently uploaded to YouTube for your convenience.

Instagram has a limit of 10 pictures/videos we can upload per post so sometimes we can’t upload all the movements we’d like. If you do ever find yourself needing to refresh your memory about how a movement is performed, just click on the link below! There is also a link to our YouTube channel in our linktree in bio on Instagram.


Check out the SLEVEN YouTube Channel

This hero workout is dedicated to Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Heidi Stevenson who died on April 19, 2020, while protecting others during a mass shooting that took place in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.

The rep scheme signifies the number of years she served in the force.

Coach Jamie will be hosting a Zoom session at 11:00 on Sunday 7 June with an appropriate warm-up, scaling options and strategies. We’ll be posting demo videos on Saturday night too!

Hero WOD Sunday with Coach Jamie
Sunday 7 June at 11:00

You can participate for FREE on Zoom

Meeting ID: 889 5308 1416
Password: 711711





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