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Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN


MetCon Outdoors at SLEVEN

The decision by the Government not to allow gyms and leisure centres to open on 4 July was pretty disappointing. But we're not going to let that get us down! We'll be introducing some outdoor MetCon classes for you from Monday 29 June. These classes will be available only to paying members on monthly memberships. Due to limited capacity, we will not be allowing new members to join at this time.

If your membership is currently on hold, you’ll need to unfreeze it before you’ll be able to book into classes. If you’d like to unfreeze your membership click on the below button!

Unfreeze Me!

If you are unable to attend these classes, don’t worry, we’ll be continuing to provide our daily 24Sleven programming FREE so that you can still workout remotely!

With the advent of the outdoor classes, we’ll be dropping our Zoom classes. Our last Zoom class will be Hero WOD Sunday on 28th June at 11am. 

We will be implementing measure to safeguard the health and safety of members and coaches. These classes will operate on the following basis:

  • Maximum capacity: 5 members 
  • We ask that you observe the 2m social distance guidance
  • Members will not be permitted to enter the gym other than to wash/sanitise their hands on arrival and before leaving, to use the toilets or to buy drinks/bars. In each case, only one member at a time will be allowed inside 
  • We ask that members arrive in their workout gear and bring water with them, to reduce the footfall inside the gym
  • Members will be asked to clean all equipment that they have used and we will provide them with sanitising spray for this purpose
  • Showers will not be available
  • The classes will be run outside, in front of the gym which brings the possibility that the class may be interrupted by traffic
  • Late cancellation and no-show fees apply

These classes will be weather dependent - if we do have to cancel a class because of rain, we’ll post this on the Sleven Fitness Facebook Group. If we cancel a class, no late cancellation fees will apply. If the weather looks dodgy, don’t assume the class will be cancelled!

Final Friday Night Quiz

With the advent of our outdoor MetCon classes and a mid-July *potential* reopening, this Friday marks our final Quiz of lockdown! We will have a special CrossFit round to mark the occasion. Join us at 19:00!





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