If you thought that competition was a thing of the past in these stay-at-home, gym’s closed times....think again! Our friends and partners at Whey’d are bringing us the Home Alone Open.
The Home Alone Open is a 2 week, online competition to keep you competing at home and staying fit and healthy! Whey’d have created 6 bodyweight workouts, no equipment required, each one programmed by Emma McQuaid - a CrossFit Games athlete, Irish National Champion & 7th in 2020 CrossFit Open! This is a great initiative, providing an opportunity to interact and pit ourselves against CrossFitters around the world.
What do I need to do?
Absolutely nothing! We will be including each of the Home Alone Open workouts as they are released as our daily WFH.
The Home Alone Open will be posting the first workout this Friday at 8am. We will include this WFH in Saturday's TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN programming, released Friday night at 8pm:
How Much Does it Cost?
Again, absolutely NOTHING! Our programming won't change and you'll still receive TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN as you normally do.
For the more competitive CrossFitter, this allows you to go head-to-head with some of the fittest on earth, all from your own home! You can get full details, including registration by clicking the button below. To compete online, the charge is £1.
If you’re not interested in competing and you just want to do a daily workout, that’s fine! The workouts will be included in our programme, together with appropriate scaling options and a Successories piece that will prep you for the WFH.