Book our 7-day trial for only £39. No experience necessary. Click to sign up now.
Freeze your membership prices into the new year. Click to sign up now.

fitness made socialtm

start your 
to a fitter,
healthier life
Sleven elevates the fitness experience through industry-leading group classes, world-class coaching, personal training, nutrition, & physio in a state-of-the-art, architect-designed facility in the heart of Vauxhall.

We have programmes suitable for all, from the complete beginner to the competitive athlete. This is done through our carefully curated selection of expertly coached classes which include functional fitness, CrossFit, Hyrox and more. That's not all, Sleven offers a wide range of events which include socials, brand launches, competitions, and workshops.

We believe that good fitness is a lifestyle, available to all. It’s hard to juggle work with friends, training and a social life. We take away these tough choices by combining them into one package. We train in groups, support and challenge each other and, above all, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We are Sleven, and we Make Fitness Social™.
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The path to better training starts here.
No experience necessary.
view the schedule
Through a compact offering of classes and a huge schedule at our CrossFit gym in Vauxhall, we have created a complete fitness package that serves in progressing and improving every aspect of your fitness.

Our two core classes, 24Sleven and Sleven X form the heart of your training and our schedule. The specialist classes supplement our core offering to help build strength, skill, cardio and more!
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Introducing Sleven Flex — an ecosystem of services centred around the Flex Space, a premium self-training area that is completely unaffected by group classes.
6 core services to make your flex membership truly yours
The Flex Space is a peak time, premium training area for you to do some extra training after a class, hire a PT, follow our personalised programming and much more.


The Flex Space is a premium peak time self-training experience designed to complement Sleven's group classes or work as a stand-alone for members to train on their own terms while maintaining the community vibes.

The Flex Bolt-On works as an add-on to any of our memberships, giving you the ability to self-train at peak times.

Full Flex gives you access to the Flex Space from 06:00-21:00 on weekdays and 09:00-13:00 on weekends, bookable in one hour slots. It also includes unlimited access to Open Gym which is available when there are no classes running.

Full Flex does not include classes.


Personalised programming to help you achieve your goal and train on your terms.
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flex recipes
Pre-made programmes to help you get that first pull-up, work on Successories, improve your lifting and much more!
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Looking for a pt?
Personal training is the quickest way to achieve your goals. We offer everything from full transformation packages to one-off skill sessions.

Click below to find out more about our services and book a free consultation.
flex personal training
hybrid coaching
skill coaching
personal training
hire flex space for pt
Flex PT Hire is a brand new way of training your clients without being locked into expensive gym rents or crowded generic spaces.

We offer a hassle-free booking process on a flexible and affordable pay-per-hour basis in a space with limited and controlled numbers.
gym HIRE for pts to train clients
ultimate flexibility
no expensive gym rents
pt hire
One off or a limited pack to help level up your skills
learn gymnastics
Handstands, handstand push-ups or handstand walking
Kipping pull-ups and toes-to-bar
Learn to butterfly pull-up
Ring muscle-ups and bar muscle-ups
Rope climbs
Improve your weightlifting with an expert coach
Find out where you’re going wrong in the snatch
Get the advice to stand up your clean & nail that jerk


Traditionally, you’ve been told to exercise like mad and starve yourself to lose weight. The problem is that this isn’t a long-term solution. At Sleven, we have a different way of looking at nutrition.

Achieving the body you've always wanted is like investing to build wealth. If you’ve exercised & dieted your whole life but never had the body to show, we can help get you there.
Services include:
6 Week Recomp
Bespoke nutrition coaching
nutrition consultation
more information


Our partnership with R&D phsyio mean that we can get you fighting fit after injury or help you with any mobility needs. R&D uses an innovative approach with the world’s best technologies to accurately assess your mechanics to get to the source of your injury or barriers to increased performance.
Services include:


Our core offering is classes and with the advice and support of one of our expert coaches, you can get the most out of the classes we offer, tailored to your specific goals. Our Flex ecosystem makes it easy for you to flex up or down your services whenever you want. If you’re wondering how it works or would like some one-on-one advice, book a consultation below and let’s see what we can achieve together!
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Don't just join a gym, become part of a community where Fitness is
Made Social™. Follow us @slevenfitness.
Get started right now for £39
Book our 7-day trial today, with access to all of our
classes for only £39. No experience necessary.
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Sleven obsessed? Our premier membership gives you access to one coached class and unlimited open gym per day.
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3x per week
Like flexibility? Use 13 sessions throughout the month however you like. Includes unlimited open gym.
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2x per week
Busy bee? Use 9 sessions throughout the month however you like. Includes unlimited open gym.
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Sleven without limits. Unlimited classes and open gym.
get started
The Flex Bolt-On works as an add-on to any of our memberships, giving you the ability to self-train at peak times.

Full Flex gives you access to the Flex Space from 06:00-21:00 on weekdays and 09:00-13:00 on weekends, bookable in one-hour slots. It also includes unlimited access to Open Gym which is the two-group class spaces when there aren't classes running. Full Flex does not include classes.
bolt on
get the bolt on
go full flex
Still unsure? Read our
The week trial includes one coached class per day and gives you access to all of our classes at our CrossFit gym in Vauxhall, excluding Sleven X and open gym. If you are an experienced athlete, please contact us and we will gladly add these for you after sign-up free of charge.

All memberships run on a monthly rolling auto-payment with a 30-day notice of termination. Experienced athletes who wish to drop-in are welcome to join any of our classes, including Sleven X or open gym. All classes are booked on a first-come-first-served basis and places must be reserved and confirmed on WODBoard ahead of your visit. The pH Hub is not included in the 7-day trial.